
We’ve Reached 100,000 Members!!!

Amanita Group – Adjumani, Uganda

A Letter from Missy

In December of 2016, I received a call from South Sudan. The rebels had descended upon Kajo Keji and our team had been forced to flee into Northern Uganda. At that devastating moment, if you had told me we would be celebrating 100,000 members served just seven years later, I would have thought it sounded crazy. And yet, today we celebrate this incredible milestone!

These 100,000 members care for an estimated 600,000 children. Well over half a million people have been directly impacted by this work. It’s an achievement that stands as a testament to God’s goodness and provision, the dedication and resilience of our team, and the faithful investment of YOU, our partners and supporters. You believed in this work to bring the hope of Jesus and economic empowerment to a region that has endured decades of displacement and economic instability, and we are so grateful. 

I just returned from a trip to East Africa where I visited two of our oldest branches in Northern Uganda and checked in on our newest project in South Sudan. Every Seed Effect group we visited welcomed us with cheering, singing, and dancing – beautiful reminders of the joy and empowerment they’ve found amidst unthinkable hardship and difficulty. 

Looking around, I stood in awe of how far Seed Effect has come. 

As we celebrate this milestone and all that God has done, we also look ahead knowing our journey is far from over. We’re working hard to saturate the communities we serve and expand further into South Sudan while exploring opportunities to reach other areas affected by conflict and displacement.  

Thank you for partnering with us to bring the hope of Jesus and economic empowerment to these families. Here’s to 100,000 members served and to the next 100,000 to come. 


Missy and the Seed Effect Team

Article Info

Jul 16, 2024

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