
2018 Annual Report

God provided abundantly through you and together we exceeded every goal set for 2018!

It is a tremendous blessing to serve with you, and we are looking forward to all that God has in store as we continue to bring economic empowerment and the hope of Jesus Christ to the hard places.

Letter from the Chairman of the Board, Kirk McKinnon:

On behalf of the Seed Effect Board of Directors, I’m grateful for you, our faithful financial partners, and excited to celebrate all that God did through Seed Effect in 2018. We’ve seen these accomplishments manifested in the lives of our members as God is replacing feelings of shame and hopelessness with dignity and hope.

It’s humbling to look back to a time when Seed Effect was faced with this: What do you do when war impacts and displaces the very individuals you are called to serve? And what do you do when past empowerment models and geographic areas will no longer fulfill the organization’s calling?

What initially drew me to Seed Effect was the commitment to not run from areas of darkness and despair, but to forge ahead to the hard places to serve those who desperately need it through empowerment and discipleship. This remains the mission Seed Effect is committed to and is the reason I love serving with this organization. As board members, we are dedicated to encouraging Seed Effect’s leadership daily to continue to lean into this calling. And we cannot state strongly enough how integral you are to this mission.

With your support, our team is continuing to grow Seed Effect’s innovative program in Uganda. The impact has been overwhelming and we could not be more excited for 2019!

Whether you are a long-standing partner or new to Seed Effect, we are thankful for you and hope you’ll continue to join us in this mission to bring hope to the hard places.

Kirk McKinnon

Seed Effect is committed to financial accountability and transparency.

Article Info

Apr 4, 2019

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