
James Lomude

Country Director, 2017-2021

James Lomude served as Seed Effect Uganda Country Director from May 2017—January 2021.

He passed away unexpectedly in January 2021. James leaves behind his wife, Stella, and their four daughters.

James Lomude joined Seed Effect in 2015.

He brings nearly two decades of insight gained through working with refugees, youth and students, church members, and political officeholders as a missionary, youth advocate, political officer, Seed Effect Branch Manager and Seed Effect Human Resource Director.

He currently leads Seed Effect’s local staff of 50 full-time and 100 part-time team members and oversees Seed Effect’s Savings & Loan Program that has served 26,000+ South Sudanese refugees and Ugandan nationals.

James was born in the remote village of Mijale in Yumbe, Uganda. He was the 5th of 11 children. With the difficult circumstances facing his rural town, there was little hope for proper education, medication, food, or shelter.

James grew up in extreme poverty, spending time in both Uganda and South Sudan. Much like the members Seed Effect serves, James‘s parents lacked access to the financial tools they needed and constantly struggled to provide for their family.

Four of James’ siblings passed away due to malaria complications, and his father passed away when James was only nine years old. Since he had to work hard to grow enough food for his family, he was unable to attend school until age 10.

With his exceptional dedication and hard work, he caught up with his peers and eventually graduated from Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda with degrees in Tourism, Hospitality, and Natural Resource Management. He went on to earn post-graduate diplomas in Public Administration and Management and in Project Planning and Management.

James not only leads Seed Effect, but knows intimately what it is like to be in the shoes of the people we serve.

“Dealing with poverty, it goes beyond giving a mere handout… it goes beyond by opening the eyes of people to see the opportunities around them.”

After completing his degrees, James worked in both minstry and politics before joining Seed Effect. He served as the head of a Ugandan missionary team in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan. He then turned his attention to politics and was elected District Councilor for Kerwa Sub County in Uganda. There he was chosen to be a member of the District Executive Committee where he oversaw the Health and Education sectors.

Additionally, James has held the following esteemed positions:

• Chairperson of the Board of Directors at Odravu Secondary School

• National Youth Leader of the National Pentecostal Churches of Uganda

• Senior Deacon at First Baptist Church Kajo Keji, South Sudan

• Founded Youth for Christ, which provides guidance and training for making positive life choices to school-aged students.

James’ family left South Sudan in 2017 and settled in Adjumani, Uganda, the Seed Effect Uganda Headquarters.