
August 2024 Prayer Requests

We are still praising God for allowing us to reach over 100,000 members in Northern Uganda and South Sudan last month! As we continue to invest in the hard places, we are filled with gratitude to partner with our amazing Ugandan and South Sudanese team members as they care for and invest in their people.

As we wrap up the summer in the US, our members in Northern Uganda and South Sudan are preparing for the second harvest season for the year. They are all currently facing imminent flooding in their respective regions. Please pray for protection for the lives and health of our members and staff as well as their crops, homes and livestock.


  • For the many answered prayers over the first half of this year. God has been a gracious and kind provider and we are grateful.
  • We have officially passed 100,000 members served in Northern Uganda and South Sudan!

Seed Effect Uganda and South Sudan

  • Health and Protection for our members, stadd and their families
  • Peace in South Sudan and neighboring regions around Uganda
  • Continued growth and opportunities to share the love of Jesus
  • Prayer specifically for Pastor Kenneth’s wife, Mary, as she is battling health challenges (Pastor Kenneth is our Head of Spiritual Integration for Seed Effect Uganda).
  • Safety with imminent flooding in South Sudan and Northern Uganda

Seed Effect USA

  • Provision to continue to reach more South Sudanese and Ugandan individuals and families with the Gospel and the tools they need to provide for their families with dignity
  • Wisdom and provision as we look to hire more team members on our US Team

Thank you for joining us as we seek the Lord in prayer!

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped.”   Psalm 28:7b

Article Info

Aug 14, 2024

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