We’ve Reached 100,000 Members!!!

We’ve Reached 100,000 Members!!!

# We’ve Reached 100,000 Members!!! Amanita Group – Adjumani, Uganda A Letter from Missy In December of 2016, I received a call from South Sudan. The rebels had descended upon Kajo Keji and our team had been forced to flee into Northern Uganda. At that...
Our 3-Year Model

Our 3-Year Model

# Our 3-Year Model Since Seed Effect’s inception in 2009, we’ve been committed to empowerment. And if we’ve learned anything, it’s that empowerment takes time… especially in the hard places. While current solutions to refugee crises do not often lend themselves to...
We’ve Reached 100,000 Members!!!

Inside The Box

# Inside The Box Each Seed Effect Savings & Loan group receives a secure metal box filled with the necessary tools for establishing a safe place to save. These tools, combined with the long-term guidance of our indigenous staff, promotes holistic poverty...