

South Sudanese Refugee & Seed Effect Member
“Because of the Gospel and the encouragement in the Word through the savings group, I have learned to release my pain.”

Makolata fled South Sudan after she was attacked by soldiers.

“They wanted to shoot me. They tried to release the bullet but it wouldn’t come out. I know it was the power of God that saved me. I left South Sudan the following morning, but the roads were closed. I knelt in prayer and God opened a way for me and I came through the bush.

I had lost all my money and all of my property. I was left with nothing. When I arrived here, I built a home with my own hands using stones I gathered. The church helped me with the roof. I started cutting firewood and selling it to earn money. And truly it was very difficult.”

Makolata, South Sudanese Refugee & Seed Effect Member.

After arriving in Uganda, Makolata was introduced to the Seed Effect Savings & Loan Group in her settlement.

Through her group, she has found hope and purpose in her life.

“Now that I’m in the savings group, I can save and get a loan which helps me to buy things I need. I have a dream that I will start a business and then I will be able to fully support my child.

Because of the Gospel and the encouragement in the Word through the savings group, I have learned to release my pain. I know everything happens according to God’s will. I did not go to school, but I have learned to read my Bible – it is the power that saved me from death and brought me to a safer place where I am now. I believe I am alive because of the power of God. If not for God, I would be dead now.”

Makolata and members of ‘Hope’ Seed Effect group.

We had the opportunity to meet back up with Makolata after her group completed their first savings and loan cycle.

“Before I joined Seed Effect’s program, I used to burn charcoal to sell but now I buy charcoal from suppliers and I resell it. I used my loans to pay school fees and for my business and it has now grown steadier. This group has improved my life as it has helped with the provision of food for my family and it made it possible for me to pay for the transport I needed to look for my daughter who had been lost. Now we are reunited.

Truly, I have also grown spiritually. Knowing Jesus has made me to know that God loves me and with God I can overcome challenges.

The Word of God through group Bible studies has made me grow spiritually and I can help others using the Bible. I continue to counsel my group members in the Word of God.

I will continue saving in this group and am going to encourage other group members to continue as well.”

Makolata in her fourth savings cycle.

Today, Makolata’s Seed Effect Savings and Loan Group is currently in their 4th savings and loan cycle.

Through the social evaluation and financial indicator surveys we conduct, we have seen improvement in every sector we are measuring: healthcare, education, food security, livelihood, and spiritual. To see this impact in full click here.

To see what that looks like in the life of one of our members, take a look at the impact made in Makolata’s life:

• Makolata had no electricity in her home prior to joining Seed Effect, but today she has solar-generated electricity
•  She didn’t own any livestock and today she owns 8 chickens
• She started a business selling agriculture goods
• To pay for medical and school fees Makolata used to have to sell household assets, but now she utilizes her savings/income generated from her business
• She reports that her relationships with God, self, others, and the rest of creation have improved
• Makolata had no savings nor had she taken loans prior to joining Seed Effect. Over her group’s first 3 cycles, she has saved more than $265 and has taken 8 loans that she utilized to help expand her business and provide for her family with dignity

“We encourage each other. God answers my prayers.”

Every $90 empowers a member like Makolata.