
March 2023 Trip to Uganda!

Read all about Seed Effect USA’s March trip to Uganda, including stories from one of our newest branches as well as our Inaugural All-Staff Summit – “Rooted”!

We’re Back!

Our Seed Effect US team just returned from a recent trip in mid-March 2023 to work alongside our Seed Effect Uganda team. This trip felt like the pinnacle of celebrating the growth that YOU have helped make possible. It also served as a peak or “summit” that allowed us to have the necessary vantage point to look back to see just how faithful the Lord has been and a tangible reminder that Seed Effect is His work. 

During our trip, our team split up and had the opportunity to visit five savings groups across four branches culminating in a two and a half day All-Staff Summit! We returned home incredibly grateful for how the Lord is moving in and through Seed Effect.

In the Field

Upon landing in Arua, we hopped off the plane and joined Likicho Seed Effect Savings and Loan Group for their group meeting. Likicho is a host-community (Ugandan) group that meets near town. Ruben, one of the members shared, “Seed Effect helped us a lot. In fact I call myself blessed because at first, when we tried to save on our own, we used not keep good records. They were clumsy and disorganized. We didn’t have financial discipline. Through Seed Effect, God intervened. We are now well versed because of what Seed Effect has done in our life. It has changed our life completely.” 

Next we met with our teams from both Arua and Rhino Camp branches for worship and fellowship, and had the opportunity to visit some of our staff at their homes to hear more about what working with Seed Effect has meant to them.

Nelson Adritia, Seed Effect Uganda Rhino Camp and his lovely wife, Masia, shared the following with us about the impact Seed Effect has had on their lives, 

“Seed Effect is so important, leave alone the aspect of putting food on the table, that is one aspect. But for us, one basic thing is expanding the Kingdom of God. When you go to the field and you identify with the community, with the group members, it is encouraging to teach them about Jesus. It is so comforting and so encouraging to share the word of God with groups and that is one basic thing that makes Seed Effect so important in my life, in my personal life.”

From Arua, our team made the two hour drive over bumpy roads to Rhino Camp to visit Unity C Group. Unity meets at Bible Hope International Church, and they just celebrated their first share out after completing their first savings cycle. 

As we asked about the personal impact of being in a Seed Effect group, we heard story after story about unity and reconciliation. They shared about growing friendships, supporting one another, and coming to know Jesus. We heard about new and growing businesses, being empowered to pay for school fees, purchase livestock and make home improvements. They shared about their dreams for the future. 

As we listened to their stories, we couldn’t help but notice the many languages spoken (there are 9 tribes in this group!), the smiles and laughter that were shared, and the hope and empowerment that were stirred in members and staff (both Ugandan and American) alike.

Member of Unity C SFL, Cukaig Charity Gaba illustrated this beautifully as she shared,

“I learn a lot from the different tribes. The character of our group resembles our name. There is a lot of unity and love amongst the group and for one another. The reason why there is unity is because of the Word of God. Before saving, every week we have Bible Study. When we are going through the 4 key relationships, we become more united since God built us to have relationship”

During our time in Rhino Camp, we also visited Seed Effect members in the market and ended our day singing and dancing alongside Emmanuel Seed Effect Savings and Loan Group. Simon, the group’s spiritual integration leader, shared:

“What I love about Seed Effect is the word of God, it united us. You know, we are not all one denomination here. We are different denominations and faiths, including Islam. And for the first time Muslims are praying like Christians, because of Seed Effect. Seed Effect has helped us. Seed Effect has taught us how to save. And for me personally, the savings are helping me to support my son in college. My children are able to go to good schools, better, private schools now – because of Seed Effect. We shared out last week! It was amazing. 8,187,900 shillings ($2,168!) from nothing! This was Seed Effect.”

We laughed, danced, and celebrated all that God is doing to bring hope, opportunity, and empowerment to these groups. It was such a blessing to spend some extended time visiting with our members and working alongside our locally-led staff to capture stories of impact.

As we listened to their stories, we couldn’t help but notice the many languages spoken (there are 9 tribes in this group!), the smiles and laughter that were shared, and the hope and empowerment that were stirred in members and staff (both Ugandan and American) alike.

Member of Unity C SFL, Cukaig Charity Gaba illustrated this beautifully as she shared,

“I learn a lot from the different tribes. The character of our group resembles our name. There is a lot of unity and love amongst the group and for one another. The reason why there is unity is because of the Word of God. Before saving, every week we have Bible Study. When we are going through the 4 key relationships, we become more united since God built us to have relationship”

During our time in Rhino Camp, we also visited Seed Effect members in the market and ended our day singing and dancing alongside Emmanuel Seed Effect Savings and Loan Group. Simon, the group’s spiritual integration leader, shared:

“What I love about Seed Effect is the word of God, it united us. You know, we are not all one denomination here. We are different denominations and faiths, including Islam. And for the first time Muslims are praying like Christians, because of Seed Effect. Seed Effect has helped us. Seed Effect has taught us how to save. And for me personally, the savings are helping me to support my son in college. My children are able to go to good schools, better, private schools now – because of Seed Effect. We shared out last week! It was amazing. 8,187,900 shillings ($2,168!) from nothing! This was Seed Effect.”

We laughed, danced, and celebrated all that God is doing to bring hope, opportunity, and empowerment to these groups. It was such a blessing to spend some extended time visiting with our members and working alongside our locally-led staff to capture stories of impact.

“Rooted” Seed Effect’s Inaugural Staff Summit!

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walkin Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

Colossians 2:6-7

The first-ever Seed Effect Summit began with an all-staff presentation detailing Seed Effect’s history, vision, mission, and culture. It was a time to be “rooted”, energized, unified and aligned in this work while simultaneously looking back at how far Seed Effect has come and looking forward to what is ahead thanks to the faithfulness of our Heavenly Father.

Over the next two days, we participated in devotionals, worship sessions, presentations, workshops, and feedback sessions on vision, strategy, servant leadership, and personal and spiritual development.

There was much to celebrate, but the highlight for our Seed Effect US team was the worship and team celebrations. Our days ended in singing and dancing and praising God for who He is and what He has done both individually and corporately. If you have never experienced East African worship, you are missing out. There is an ineffable power and glory and awe held within it and the presence of the Lord is palpable.

We ended our time together at The Recreation Project where we took part in large group ice-breaker activities, team-building activities in smaller groups, and ropes course adventures including a leap of faith and a zip line!

While we could continue writing about the impact of this time and how special having every branch together under one roof was, we will leave you with words from, Rhino Camp Branch’s Senior Field Officer, Godwil Isaac,

“It was an awesome experience to meet with all the staff of Seed Effect for the first time from the different branches. what an experience! I would prefer that this goes on every year for team building and also for the purposes of sharing ideas that can best grow our branches of Seed Effect Uganda to the glory of God’s holy name.

Thank you so much Seed Effect USA for the love and kind hearts you have for us as staff of Seed Effect Uganda. May God richly bless your families and reward you in all your endeavors. Not forgetting our dear donors, you are so special. Thanks for being the hand and feet of Jesus Christ in reaching many people with the love of Christ through your giving and financial support. God bless you all. We love you with the love of Jesus Christ. AMEN.”

Article Info

Apr 6, 2023

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