Seed Effect Member
“Seed Effect is renewing my life every day.”
“Love your brother as yourself.” Agnes Juru quotes this scripture with joy, as she stands in Wudu Market in Kajo Keji, South Sudan. It’s her favorite Bible verse – one she’s committed to memory – and one that has encouraged her through some very tough times. Especially through the years of the Sudan Civil War that wreaked havoc on her life.
“Without Seed Effect I wouldn’t have reached this far.”
Growing up, Agnes did not have the opportunity to go to school, so her options to provide for her eight children were extremely limited and they were living in poverty. But, Seed Effect’s Education Seminars have finally given Agnes the education and training that she has longed for. Because of this education alongside a small business microloan and access to savings services, she now has the tools to grow her business and care for her family, giving them hope for the future. Her children now have access to education that she never received.
Agnes, like most South Sudanese, grew up with very little. She was an South Sudanese refugee in an unknown land. When the war ended, she came home only with what she could carry. But now, she has more than enough. She even has something to give.
“I see when someone needs help, I can do that, I can help – I can share the gospel.”
Agnes’ life is no longer defined by her circumstances. She has learned that she is loved with Jesus’ love and this has redefined her day-to-day existence. She is a bright light to her friends and those around her – it starts with just one seed, impacts a life and transforms a community.