Seed Effect Member
“After this cycle ends, I will continue saving with my group because this group is important to me.”
“For almost 2 years, I tried to save on my own to provide for my four children. I’ve now been with my group, Amadri Seed Effect Savings and Loan Group, for 42 weeks. We have two months until our graduation when we will distribute our savings and profit. After this cycle ends, I will continue saving with my group because this group is important to me.
In the past year, I have had some difficulties in my life. I lost my husband and there was no one to support me. But when I joined the group, I became strong.
My Seed Effect group makes me strong because we can share ideas together and as you share ideas, it opens your mind.
You can access ways of getting money and maybe you can do some small business. And if your son is sent home from school because he doesn’t have the fees or the uniform, like mine was, you can get help. I was able to take a small loan from the group to buy a uniform for my child and pay school fees. These are the reasons that I want to continue with my group.”