Betty Gale
Seed Effect Member
“Now I am feeling comfortable, even despite everything because of the encouragement I get from my group members.

Betty left her husband in South Sudan and came to the refugee settlement alone with her five children. Life was not easy, but then she joined Seed Effect group called Ama-alu which means “We are One.” She said,

Seed Effect started training us and supporting us and what we received was good. If your children are sent home from school because you cannot pay school fees, you can come to the group and get a loan to pay the school fees for your children.” 

Betty also shared that she has received help from the social fund which serves as micro-insurance. Each member contributes weekly to the social fund and can then request a small grant to help with medical or funeral expenses or other emergency needs that might arise.  

Betty shared,

“If you fall sick, or your child falls sick, the group will help you out of the social fund. Or if death occurin your family,you can get a grant from the social fund. Plus the group members will often mobilize and donatematerials like grains, beans, and oilto support thfuneral rite.

This program is very helpful, because when you have problems, you can go the group and get help and be encouraged and we also share the word of God. My husband is still in South Sudan but being in the group helps me to feel comfortable. 

Even in the midst of hardship, Betty still finds joy. She said,

“We are feeling joyful because in South Sudan we were scattered and there were not many groups like this. But here, we are in groups, we know each other, and we share amongst ourselves. As of now my husband is in South Sudan and I don’t know whether he is alive, but now I know that being in the group helps me and encourages me in the Word. If I lack somethingI can come to the group and get what I need. 

The lifestyle we have is not easy so let Seed Effect continue to support us spiritually and economically so that we can educate our children. Now I am feeling comfortable, even despite everything because of the encouragement I get from my group members.

God bless the hands that are supporting this program. Thank you very much. 

Every $90 empowers a member like Betty Gale