Deborah Yata
Seed Effect Member
“Joining Seed Effect has given me the desire to work. I know I will get something in return.”

A few years ago, Deborah Yata was a young mother of eight who could barely make ends meet. Growing up, her parents couldn’t pay her school fees past Primary 5 (elementary school) and so without a formal education, she believed her options were limited. She tried selling cassava, a nutty-flavored root that grows in South Sudan. She tried preparing and selling tea at the market. She even attended a tailoring school and bought a sewing machine to make clothes for her fellow villagers. But though she worked hard, none of these ventures ever made enough money to feed her children.

That’s when she learned about Seed Effect.

Deborah first heard about Seed Effect on a local radio station. When we began providing microloans in her market, she was one of the first women to sign up. With the help of the microloans she received, Deborah invested in her business and began to generate more revenue. With the profits from her business, she bought two goats, one of which her children affectionately calls “Seed Effect.” And she began attending the business training offered by Seed Effect.

Now, she not only sews clothes to sell at the market, she also trains other women to become seamstresses. Through her business, she’s able to feed her family, as well as save a small sum of money every year. Her husband, who originally did not want to be involved with Seed Effect, now helps with the business also.

Deborah says, “I had already lost hope because I thought that those who are educated are the only ones who will succeed in life but I thank Seed Effect for restoring my hope and empowering me. Now I am able to also give support to the family, not only depending on my husband. I look at Seed Effect as one of my family members.”

Deborah is an example of one of the many South Sudanese who feel hopeless in their circumstances, but through the economic and spiritual empowerment Seed Effect provides, she now has hope and dignity.

Every $90 empowers a member like Deborah Yata