Seed Effect Member
“…my Seed Effect group became like my husband. This is where I get help in time of need.”
Rebels attacked Jesilen’s home, Kajo Keji, South Sudan in 2016.
So at the age of 58, she was forced to uproot her life and start over for the survival of her family.
She fled to Uganda with her 6 children, and to make matters even worse, she was a widow and had to carry the heavy burden alone.
Once in the refugee settlement, 239 miles away, she learned about Seed Effect and hope blossomed. Jesilen might not have had much, but she had the desire to work hard for her family and she was capable.
She joined God With Us Seed Effect Savings & Loan Group where she was elected to be the Spiritual Leader and Box Keeper. Jesilen was elevated to a position of leadership and was trusted with responsibility and oversight of the group’s saving box. (Look inside the Box)
With each year that passed and through each savings cycle, she continued to save, invest small loans, and grow spiritually and economically.
Four years later, she has a thriving bread making business even in the midst of the economic challenges brought on by the COVID-19 lockdown.
Jesilen said,
“After joining my Seed Effect group, I was encouraged in my faith. Even though I am a widow, I became like a woman who has a husband to help her because my Seed Effect group became like my husband. This is where I get help in time of need.
Through this program, my home has improved and I have grown financially and spiritually. If I had not joined God With Us Seed Effect Group, I do not know where my family would be.”
Because of your support, Seed Effect members like Jesilen have access to the tools and training they need to know Jesus and provide for their families with dignity.
Thank you so much for bringing hope and opportunity to the refugee settlements in northern Uganda!