Joseph Jonah
Seed Effect Member
“I have changed from the old life of living, and old hardships no longer have a hold on me.”

Joseph lives deep in the South Sudanese bush. In the middle of rainy season, his home often becomes unreachable by car. Upon approaching, his crops that reach high overhead block the view and then suddenly the bright green opens up to reveal the vibrant blue expanse overhead.

Hundreds of years ago, Abraham stared into the sky and God made a promise. “His reward shall be great.” But Abraham questioned, saying, “O Lord God, what will you give me?” (Genesis 15:1,2)

God knows his people. He knows we have doubts, questions and fears. He also knows that we have dreams. Joseph dreamt of providing for his family but he couldn’t imagine how he would do it. And then, God showed him the way.

As Joseph started his business, he watched it more than double in size and profits. And with these profits, he invested in his farm. But with six children to feed, clothe, and educate, he dreamed and hoped for more. And so, with the help of Seed Effect, he started another business raising chickens and selling their eggs and as this business has grown, all six of his children are now in school and Joseph is building a home that will not leak when it rains.

Just as God created a lasting covenant with Abraham and his heart was transformed, Joseph says “I have changed from the old life of living, and old hardships no longer have a hold on me”.

Joseph now has a clear vision for his future. He has direction and hope knowing that “God has the power”. His future has been redefined.

Every $90 empowers a member like Joseph Jonah