Mary Otto
Seed Effect Member
“Seed Effect brings the word of God, and the word of God unites us.”

Mary Otto left her home and all her belongings when she fled South Sudan. She and her children arrived in the refugee settlement in Uganda with nothing.  

She said, “We came from South Sudan without anything and were discouraged. Things were very difficult. Before Seed Effect, we faced a lot of challenges, but since Seed Effect has come, we have joined together and some of those challenges have been removed.”

Mary’s group began meeting weekly with their Seed Effect trainer to save together and study the Bible together. She shared, “Seed Effect brings the word of God, and the word of God unites us. We have put our hands together to save and now we have money to send our children to school. This program is a good seed that has been planted in the lives of our people.” 

Since Seed Effect has come, our eyes have been opened and we are able to help our families.

thank God for giving me you people.” 

Every $90 empowers a member like Mary Otto