Milly Asienzo
Seed Effect Member
“The microloans have improved our lives and taken the poverty away.”

The war between North and South Sudan broke out when Milly was 18. She arrived in the refugee camp as a single mother looking for safety and hope. “I felt weak,” she reflected.

She married an older man but, as one of three wives, instead of being loved and supported, she was left to provide for her children on her own. Being resourceful, Milly gathered firewood to sell. And as she saved money, she started a business selling pancakes on the side of the road. 

Looking back, she wonders, “If you don’t want the responsibility, why are you marrying so many women and having so many children? He didn’t even want my girls going to school.”

Milly knew first-hand how important it was that her children received the opportunity to get an education, but she was struggling to pay school fees. And so, after she returned to South Sudan, she joined Seed Effect in 2009. She received access to education, discipleship and a microloan of just $100. After paying it off 4 months later, Milly had earned a profit of $15.

With this profit, she continued to invest in and grow her business. After 7 years of hard work, she shared, “The financial challenges I used to go through have become so much easier. I’ve now been able to send two of my boys to university and that was only made possible through the help of Seed Effect. I feel great knowing that I can provide for them. The microloans have improved our lives and taken the poverty away.”

Milly has also grown from Seed Effect’s trainings. She reports that she’s learned so much about self-control, carrying one another’s burdens, good stewardship and even investing in others when they need help. She says,“I love Seed Effect for the counseling, guidance, and discipleship programs.”

But the impact has gone beyond Milly. Her children have flourished. Her oldest son went to university, got a great job, built his own house, and even owns two cars. “If Seed Effect didn’t exist,” she says,“none of this would have been possible.”

Every $90 empowers a member like Milly Asienzo