Seed Effect Member
“I am thankful because of HIV. I have now come out with experience to bring to those who are stigmatized. If I were not to have HIV, these people would still fear and die. That is why I say I am very happy.”
In 2006, Paskline was taken to a refugee camp. A nearby church saw the dignity in Paskline’s eyes and her unwavering determination to not allow her health to bar her from living a hopeful and dignified life and so they provided work for her making some simple crafts. And that is where Keji found her.
Keji Cizerina is a Seed Effect client who is disabled. She told Paskline about Seed Effect, which existed to offer hope and dignity to her and others through sustainable work and God’s love. Paskline walked into the Seed Effect office in Nimule, South Sudan and applied for her first loan of $100. She used that loan to buy retail items in bulk and that was the beginning of what has become a very profitable business—she now sells soap, candies, clothes, and many other items in Nimule.
Paskline’s dignity has been restored and she is spreading that hope to those around her. She doesn’t want others with HIV to feel hopelessness because of their diagnosis and she wants to help and love them with the love of Christ. She now meets regularly with a community of HIV positive men and women so that, prayerfully, they too will see that they can work and have hope and dignity and even share that with others.
Paskline, despite her circumstances, radiates joy.