Sylvia Kiden
Seed Effect Member
“I was struggling and had no peace but when I joined Seed Effect they opened my eyes into seeing the truth that life without Jesus was hard and they led me to Christ and now I have peace.

During Seed Effect’s loan orientation seminar, each client goes through an exercise where they discuss their dreams. In a conflict-affected country where everyone has been a refugee and everyone has been touched by war, dreaming is a luxury.  Survival has been the norm and so for many, when they start to dream, its as simple as being able to provide meat once a day for their children, or buying a goat, or even building a tukul (mud hut).  For Sylvia, it was providing her kids with an opportunity she never had: the privilege of going to school.  

When her husband passed away and she was left to care for their eight children, she feared that she might never be able to see this dream come true on her own.

Sylvia started her business back in 2011 by selling a few groundnuts (peanuts) in the market but was barely able to make ends meet.  She would buy groundnuts with the money she could save.  A few here and a few there, but it was never enough.  But when she joined Seed Effect, she was able to add more inventory with her loan and saw her sales and profits begin to increase.

And, now she was no longer alone.

As she struggled, she learned about Jesus through Seed Effect. Through the discipleship of a staff member, she accepted Jesus in the Seed Effect office one afternoon. With Him in her life she now has “peace and feels blessed.” In her loan group she has found sisters and friends.  And, her dream has come true, she was able to put every one of her children in school.

Every $90 empowers a member like Sylvia Kiden