
November 2024 Prayer Requests


  • The Lord has continued to provide for our needs in the US, Uganda and South Sudan!

  • We are very close to reaching our growth goals for the year and have reached over 18,000 new members so far this year!

Seed Effect Uganda and South Sudan

  • Wisdom for our Leadership Team as they wrap up the year and plan for next year!

  • 14 children were killed after a lightning strike hit the group in Palabek Lamwo Refugee Camp. 7 of those children were from families in a Seed Effect group. Pray for their families and the community as they grieve.

  • Healing for Field Officer, Mundua’s daughter who had surgery twice in a period of two weeks.

  • Health and protection for our members and their families.

  • Peace and sustaining grace for members facing suffering of many kinds.

  • Growth and discipleship opportunities for members who are new believers!

Seed Effect USA

  • Renewed energy and rest as we wrap up a few months of travel and events for our staff.

  • Wisdom as we look to hire one more team member on our US Team to join us to manage Salesforce.

  • Provision and trust as we come to the end of the year!

Thank you for joining us as we seek the Lord in prayer!

“He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless…those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. ” Isaiah 40:29,31

Article Info

Nov 8, 2024

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