
November 2023 Prayer Requests


  • Thanksgiving to God and the prayer team for praying for us and all the activities of the month of the October 2023. There are answered sicknesses E.g the staff in Lamwo who fall sick and admitted for high pressor and now home. All program activities for the month were successfully completed and new believers were received in the outreach of group to group fellowships in all of the branches.

– Pastor Kenneth, Seed Effect Uganda

  • Successful events and opportunities to connect with many beloved supporters, as well as engaging with new people through our Fall Luncheon in Dallas as well as micro-events in Chattanooga, TN and Richmond, VA!

Seed Effect Uganda 

  • November Operations. For all our activities of the month of the November.
  • For all heads of departments as they coordinate end of year activities as well as prepare for next year. 
  • Loan Repayment. Prayers for group members whom find it difficult to return loans, that they might be strengthened and encouraged and overcome their struggle.  
  • Remembrance and Memorial. For two group members in Arua’s “God Given Group” – Mr. Etuyosepu (Joseph) and Mrs. Brenda Asibezoyo who died a week ago in an accident. Please remember their family, group members, and the entire Arua office as they grieve. 
  • For the Sick and Suffering. That they might experience full healing and that they are comforted by our Heavenly Father in their afflictions, trusting that He will bring full health. 
  • For the Innocent. Especially for civilians that are impacted and dying from war and discord.
  • For Orphans and Widows. While this prayer alwasy remains true, we are reminded of this call in the Bible as war ravages many states. 
  • For Peace. Join us in praying the Lord’s prayer, that we might see restoration and unity and experience more of ‘on earth as it is in Heaven.’
  • Branch Spiritual Leaders. For their spiritual growth and that their heart posture is always stayed on doing God’s will. 
  • God’s protection for all staff and their families.
  • Seed Effect Uganda Board Meeting November 12-14. Join us in praying over our leadership as they prepare for the year ahead. 

Seed Effect USA

  • Travel Mercies and Health. Seed Effect USA had a busy end of October continuing into mid November. We are so grateful for travel mercies and safety of our team thus far. Would you continue to join with us in praying for travel mercies, health, and focus as we share this mission with others?
  • That Christ Will Always Be Our Main Focus. That we will be prayerful, listening for His leading in everything we do as a ministry. My all we do reflect Christ!
  • Spiritual Rhythms. Just as we pray this for our friends in Uganda, we need this for ourselves in the U.S. It is so easy to be distracted.  May we seek God and His righteousness first always.
  • Wisdom as We Grow
    • We have seen tremendous growth over the last several years, and covet your prayers over our team, that we would make time to listen to the Holy Spirit’s leading as we continue to grow. We don’t want to get ahead of the Lord.
    • Would you also pray that God would bring more people who understand the mission of Seed Effect to come alongside us and support this work.
    • We are lean stateside and will likely be adding some roles to our team over the next six months. Will you join us as we seek discernment and direction from the Lord?

“For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.”

Romans 11:36

Article Info

Nov 11, 2023

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