
October 2024 Prayer Requests


  • The Lord provided during Reinvest to allow us to reach more members as hoped!

  • Members are coming to know Jesus and the local church is being impacted and encouraged!

  • Pastor Kenneth’s wife is recovering well after battling illness!

Seed Effect Uganda and South Sudan

  • Health and Protection for our members and their families.

  • Continued growth and opportunities to share the love of Jesus.

  • Provision and wisdom as we make plans for the next year.

  • Continued prayer for Pastor Kenneth’s wife, Mary, as she recovers from surgery.

  • Healing for Jerry and Otim, team members who are struggling with sickness.

  • Growth and discipleship opportunities for members who are new believers!

Seed Effect USA

  • Safety and energy as we enter a busy month of travel and events for our staff.

  • Wisdom as we look to hire one more team member on our US Team to join us as our Grants Administrator.

  • Provision and trust as we come to the end of the year!

Thank you for joining us as we seek the Lord in prayer!

“And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.” 1 John 5:14

Article Info

Oct 9, 2024

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