
Saturating Communities

Sam is a recovering alcoholic who was struggling to provide for his family. After joining Seed Effect everything changed. Sam shared:

What I found in Seed Effect is that it gave me new life. Even though I haven’t been a member long, I feel I need to be here for the rest of my life. I love myself, I love God more than before, and this has allowed me to give my life to Jesus Christ. If it is possible, Seed Effect should be offered in all communities because there are many people who need change.”

There are over one million South Sudanese refugees working to rebuild their lives in northern Uganda alongside millions of Ugandans who are also living in extreme poverty. The majority of these refugees reside in seven refugee settlements, and as Sam said, there are many people who need change. Seed Effect set out to bring the hope of Jesus and critical financial tools to those who needed it most and to saturate these communities as quickly as we could

Caption: God is Good Seed Effect Group meeting in Baratuku refugee settlement

Why Saturation?

Empowering a few individuals within a community can have positive effects, but saturating the entire community with economic development tools and resources has several distinct advantages:

1. Widespread Impact: Saturating the entire community ensures as many people as possible have access to opportunities for spiritual growth and economic development.

2. Synergistic Effects: When an entire community is empowered, there is potential for synergistic effects to occur. As more individuals within the community experience economic success and personal growth, they can contribute to the overall growth and development of the community, creating a positive feedback loop of prosperity.

3. Social Cohesion: Empowering the entire community fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose. When everyone is included in the process of economic development, it promotes social cohesion and reduces the likelihood of resentment or divisions within the community.

4. Long-Term Sustainability: Saturating a community with economic development tools and resources lays the groundwork for long-term sustainability. By building a strong economic foundation that benefits the entire community, you create conditions for continued growth and prosperity even after external support diminishes.

5. Resilience: A community that is saturated with economic development opportunities is inherently more resilient in the face of challenges. When everyone has access to resources and opportunities, the community is better equipped to weather economic downturns, natural disasters, or other crises. 

During our first five years in Uganda, Seed Effect launched branches in Adjumani, Moyo, Yumbe, and Arua. In 2022, we embarked on an ambitious expansion project to launch in the remaining three settlements while continuing to grow at our existing locations. 

Since embarking on this expansion project, together we have: 

  • Grown to serve in all seven refugee settlements in northern Uganda and reached over 91,000 families served.
  • Reached over 20% of the combined population (South Sudanese and Ugandans) in these districts.
  • Reached over 25% of the refugee population in northern Uganda.

As Sam said, there is so much need and overwhelming demand for Seed Effect’s program. Now that we’re in all seven settlements, our goal is to reach at least 40% saturation in each of these locations. Our team is working hard to saturate those communities and bring the hope of Jesus and economic empowerment to everyone who wants access in the refugee settlements and neighboring villages of northern Uganda.

Caption: Susan Hadia, Seed Effect Member, Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement

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Apr 29, 2024

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