
Selena Guo

Seed Effect Member
“I not only thank Seed Effect for the loans but am blessed with the spiritual guidance too, for I have learned to trust God in everything.”

Abandoned by her husband, Selena Guo returned to South Sudan from the refugee camp in 2007. Sleeping on a mat in the marketplace, Selena and her five children were homeless and hopeless.

When Seed Effect opened in 2009, Selena, along with her loan group of eighteen other women, joined our credit-led microfinance program and received access to a microloan and savings, education, and the Gospel. In the bleakest of circumstances, hope began to grow.

Once futile efforts became fruitful as she
 was empowered to transform her small business. Since Selena’s first microloan of $160, her business has grown from one mat in the marketplace to three storefronts. She reports her net income has increased by over 160% and her business assets by over 400%.

But the impact extends beyond Selena. All of her children are now in school, and her oldest son, Douglas, was able to graduate from university. She has also been able to employ and inspire others in her community.

While proud and grateful for her success, Selena is most thankful to Seed Effect for teaching her about Jesus Christ through our discipleship program. After over two years of our team loving and investing in Selena, she chose to leave Islam and follow Christ. Moreover, as she learned about God’s forgiveness, she chose to forgive and reunite with her husband.

“I not only thank Seed Effect for the loans but am blessed with the spiritual guidance too, for I have learned to trust God in everything.”

Selena Guo, Seed Effect Member & Retail Shop Owner

Every $90 empowers a member like Selena.