
September 2024 Prayer Requests


  • New members are continuing to come to know Jesus and provide for their families with dignity.
  • The Lord continues to provide financially to be able to expand our program to reach more members!
  • We have hired a new Executive Assistant to help us with US operations!

Seed Effect Uganda and South Sudan

  • Health and Protection for our members and their families
  • Peace in South Sudan and neighboring regions around Uganda as the presidential elections have been postponed for 2 more years
  • Continued growth and opportunities to share the love of Jesus
  • Provision and wisdom as we make plans for the next year
  • Continued prayer for Pastor Kenneth, his wife Mary, and their family as they battle health challenges
  • Staff coming back to the office from maternity leave. Pray for continued health for mom and baby, along with joy and peace in this new season for their families.
  • Creativity as we think about ways to serve our members well with new initiatives.

Seed Effect USA

  • Provision to continue to reach more South Sudanese and Ugandan individuals and families with the Gospel and the tools they need to provide for their families with dignity
  • Wisdom as we look to hire one more team member on our US Team to help with our Salesforce needs.

Thank you for joining us as we seek the Lord in prayer!

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I forgive their sins and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

Article Info

Sep 9, 2024

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