
2022 Milestones

It’s through YOU that God abundantly provided! As we head into 2023, we’re celebrating some HUGE milestones that you made possible in 2022. Read below for more!

By summer 2022, it was clear that economic hardship had caused demand for our program to outpace projections. Our surveys have shown that access to financial tools and Christ-centered community better prepares families to weather these challenges. As costs continued to rise, we knew we had to increase our growth goals to serve more new members.

Your partnership has allowed us to do just that. We hope you are encouraged by the impact you are making in northern Uganda.

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” Ephesians 3:20

New Members Empowered

Together, we have served over 67,000 new members in 2,500 groups since launching in Uganda in 2017. Over 16,000 of these new members joined Seed Effect in 2022 (surpassing our original projections)! Seed Effect members have saved over $7M and loaned almost $5M through their first three cycles. This number only continues to grow as groups graduate and members continue to save independently.

New Branches Launched

BRANCH 5 launched in the Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement in Q1 2022 and has now served over 4,139 new members in 158 groups.

BRANCH 6 launched in Q3 2022 in Lamwo and has now served 1,041 new members in 40 groups.

New Partnerships Formed

We launched a partnership with 4africa to bring Seed Effect’s program to areas in Uganda we would not otherwise reach. Together, we’ve launched 16 new groups serving 436 new members in Omoro, Uganda! To read more about this partnership and the impact being made, click here.

New Staff Hired

In addition to adding 79 new staff members (full-time and part-time) in Uganda through the launch of our new branches, we added two new staff members, Ashley Godsil, Director of Development, and Jeremy Phillips, Director of Field Operations, to our Seed Effect US Team.

Click here to meet Jeremy!

Click here to meet Ashley!

Thank you for bringing economic empowerment and the hope of Jesus to the refugee settlements and neighboring villages of Uganda! We are so grateful for you!

Article Info

Jan 23, 2023

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