Refuge isn’t meant to be the end goal. Restoration is.

Current solutions are short-term and unsustainable, creating dependency and trapping families in a perpetual cycle of poverty. But we have a long-term solution that is sustainable and dignifying.

Over 110 million people have been forced to flee their homes.

The world is facing an unprecedented global refugee crisis. 

Unfortunately, over 80% of refugee crises last 10 years or more. While aid and emergency support are needed at first, in the long term, these solutions are unsustainable, creating dependency, and trapping families in a perpetual cycle of poverty. 

God is using you to transform lives through our holistic economic development strategy.

Together, through our Christ-centered, savings-led microfinance program, we are empowering refugees and those living in material poverty to provide for their families with dignity. 

Hope starts with a simple green box.

The materials included in our secure metal box, combined with the long-term guidance of our Indigenous staff, promote holistic poverty alleviation.

“I am here alone with my children but coming to join a savings group like this takes away the stress and encourages me to forget the pain. I believe it is not good to beg. God has given me hands and brain to think. I use my hands to make what I need to be independent. God has helped me to trust Him and I am really blessed by the group I’m in.

Seed Effect’s program has been so helpful to me because I have been able to access a loan to improve my business. Being in the group has helped me and my family to create and keep good relationships. The Bible study has transformed my life into a better one. I am now more familiar with the Word of God and I have learned to stay in peace with my neighbors.”

Seed Effect Member & South Sudanese Refugee
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Every $90 can empower a member like Pascalina.

You can bring hope to the hard places.