Nancy Wode

My dream is to continue to grow my business, purchase more livestock, rent more land for cultivation, build a nicer house with an iron roof, and ensure continued ease in sending my kids to school.

As Nancy prepared to attend her weekly Seed Effect group meeting, she paused and looked around her home. Her children, ranging in age from 13 to 24, surrounded her. With smiles on their faces, they looked happy. But, as a refugee who was forced to flee the horrors of war, it wasn’t always like this. 

Nancy shared, “When we arrived from South Sudan as refugees, life was not easy. Feeding my family was so difficult. Sometimes we would only eat only once or twice in a day, and I was not unable to afford school fees for my children.” Dreaming about a better life or a more secure future once seemed futile. But after more than a year of saving with her group, Nancy can easily share her hopes and dreams and she’s found community. 

She said, “When I joined the Seed Effect saving group, I found many friends in the group who could advise me on these challenging situations. We started saving and taking loans and life started changing. I was able to set up my own business using the Plan for a Better Business training and a loan of $310,000 UGX from Seed Effect. I started selling food stuff and some small items that the community needs. Since investing in my business, I haven’t run short of stock in my store and my business has been growing steadily. Since the program includes a way to earn interest through the loans, my share out for 2023 was worth 400,000 UGX! I added my business money and bought a motorcycle to use as a boda-boda and to provide transport for my business. Additionally, I rented a piece of land for farming and bought some livestock.”

“Now my family eats three times a day and I am able to pay school fees. I was able to build a semi-permanent house instead of just sleeping in a tent. My dream is to continue to grow my business, purchase more livestock, rent more land for cultivation, build a nicer house with an iron roof, and ensure continued ease in sending my kids to school.”

But the impact has not only been economic. Nancy shared, “When the war broke out in South Sudan, the community that came as refugees were hostile to one another as it was a tribal war. When they arrived in the refugee settlements, they were not at peace with one another and there was domestic violence in the community. The presence of Seed Effect saving groups with the bible study and saving methodology has restored peace and harmony in the community since the group is made of all the tribes. Community members who are in Seed Effect savings groups are more peaceful. They realize having a peaceful home helps everyone contribute for family needs which was not the case before joining a Seed Effect savings group. Before, there was a lot of domestic violence caused by inability to provide family needs.”


And finally, she’s also grown spiritually. Nancy said, “Before Seed Effect, I felt unable to pray and did not have access to the word of God. I felt unable to share the word with others or even encourage others with the word of God. But now, the saving group has changed my life spiritually through the weekly bible study and the group-to-group outreach from the Seed Effect staff. I can now pray, share the word, and encourage others spiritually.”

Refuge isn’t meant to be the end goal. Restoration is.

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